Monday, June 9, 2025 | Compass Pointe Golf Courses, Pasadena MD
Registration begins at 7:30 am | Shotgun start at 9:00 am
Join us!
We celebrate the strength of all Heart Warriors each year at our Annual Charity Golf Tournament. At The Krueger Hat Trick Foundation, we believe that every child deserves a healthy heart and a happy life. Our mission is to provide support, resources, and financial assistance to families facing the challenges of congenital heart defect/disease. Together, we can make a difference in the lives of these brave young hearts.

Registration Fee Includes:
Complimentary Swag Bag
Complimentary Beverages All Day
Complimentary Breakfast & Coffee​
On-Course Contests
On-course Food & Beverages
Awards Ceremony Luncheon
Prizes Include:
TaylorMade Drivers
TaylorMade Putter
YETI Tundra 45 Cooler
Free Round of Golf for 2 Foursomes
Gift Cards to Compass Pointe Pro Shop

On-Course Food & Drink Includes:
Bars sponsored by Tito's Handmade Vodka
Freshly shucked oysters
Pulled Pork
Candied Bacon
Hamburgers & Hot Dogs
Chicken Wings
Luncheon Buffet Includes:
Filet Mignon
Crab Cakes
Shrimp Cocktail
& More!
Tournament Info
Registration begins 7:30am
Receive your complimentary gift bag. | Mulligans and Raffle Tickets will be available to purchase. | Enjoy breakfast and use of the driving range. | Putting Contest and Chipping Contest will be open from 7:30 am-8:45 am.
Shotgun start 9:00 am
Luncheon & Awards Ceremony to follow immediately after
Foursome $1,000
Single Golfer $250
Mulligan Packages
$50 entry fee Qty: 300
Buffet-style lunch provided by Primo Pasta Kitchen. Silent Auction provided by LGC Sports Marketing. Contest winners and awards will be announced, as well as our Fairway Fortune: 50/50 Raffle for Tiny Champions Winner!
Complimentary Gift Bags for each golfer
18-hole Green Fee & Cart Rental
Driving Range use prior to event
Breakfast, Lunch, & On-course snacks
Bottled Water & Complimentary Beverages all day
On-Course Contests
50/50 Raffles, Silent Auction, and more!
Each golfer can purchase up to 4 mulligans
**no more than 16 per foursome**
1 Mulligan - $10
2 Mulligans - $15
3 Mulligans - $20
4 Mulligans - $25
Purchase a KHT golf ball for a chance to win big!
Here’s how it works: Buy a KHT golf ball for $50 each. A KHT representative will randomly draw a number during the Green Hearts Open: Charity Golf Tournament awards ceremony and the purchaser of that lucky ball will win up to $7,500! There are 300 golf balls available, and purchasers may buy more than one.
Winner need not to be present to win.
*The Krueger Hat Trick Foundation reserves the right to change the amount of the prize if all 300 golf balls are not sold. This is a 50/50 prize. Proceeds will be split evenly between the winner and The KHT Foundation. Winnings may be subject to tax.
If you would like to attend our luncheon, but are not golfing, you can purchase a ticket and partake in the Silent Auction and raffles!
Become a Sponsor!
Qty: 1
Company name listed as “presented by” in all advertising – printed & digital
Company name & logo on tournament banner as Title Sponsor
Company name & logo on all tournament prizes
Signage with company name and/or logo & QR code prominently displayed at registration & luncheon/award ceremony
Opportunity to provide company banner or sign
Opportunity to place company tent on 1 hole on each course
Opportunity to provide basket or gift card for silent auction
2 reserved tables at luncheon/awards ceremony
Signage with company name and/or logo & QR code throughout both golf courses
Company logo on all golfers’ carts
Company logo on commemorative performance shirt provided to all golfers
1 complimentary $100 50/50 golf ball
KHT Foundation gift bags for 12 players
Greens & cart fees for 12 golfers (3 foursomes)
12 tickets to Happy Hour for Hope
Qty: 3
Company logo on tournament banner
Company logo listed on all promotional material
Company logo on commemorative performance shirt provided to all golfers
Signage with company name and/or logo & QR code displayed at registration & luncheon/award ceremony
1 reserved table at luncheon/awards ceremony
Signage with company name and/or logo & QR code throughout both golf courses
Opportunity to place company tent on 1 hole of 1 course
Greens & cart fees for 8 golfers (2 foursomes)
8 tickets to Happy Hour for Hope
Qty: 4
Company logo on tournament banner
Company logo listed on all promotional material
Company logo on commemorative performance shirt provided to all golfers
Signage with company name and/or logo & QR code displayed at registration & luncheon/award ceremony
1 reserved table at luncheon/awards ceremony
Signage with company name and/or logo & QR code on 1 tee and 1 green on each course
Greens & cart fees for 4 golfers (1 foursome)
50% off 4 tickets for Happy Hour for Hope
Available: Exclusive!
Name/logo listed as "presented by" in all promotional material - printed & digital
Logo on tournament banner as Title Sponsor
Logo on all tournament prizes
Signage with logo & QR code prominently displayed at registration & luncheon/award ceremony
Opportunity to provide banner or sign
Opportunity to place information booth/tent at registration & at 1 hole on each course
2 reserved VIP tables at luncheon/awards ceremony
Signage with logo & QR code on course: 4 holes on each course
Logo in all golfers’ carts
Logo on commemorative performance shirt provided to all golfers & volunteers
Option to speak before tournament
3 complimentary golf ball entries into Fairway Fortune: 50/50 Raffle for Tiny champions ($50/golf ball)
KHT Foundation gift bags for 12
3 Foursomes (12 golfers)
15 tickets to Hearts for Hope: Family Happy Hour + Cornhole Tournament (Sunday, June 8th)
Available: Exclusive!
Logo on tournament banner
Logo displayed on all promotional material - printed & digital
Signage with logo & QR code displayed at registration & luncheon/award ceremony
Opportunity to place information booth/tent at registration & at 1 hole on each course
1 reserved VIP table at luncheon/awards ceremony
Signage with logo & QR code on course: 3 holes on each course
Logo in all golfers' carts
Logo on commemorative performance shirt provided to all golfers & volunteers
2 complimentary golf ball entries into Fairway Fortune: 50/50 Raffle for Tiny champions ($50/golf ball)
KHT Foundation gift bags for 8
2 Foursomes (8 golfers)
10 tickets to Hearts for Hope: Family Happy Hour + Cornhole Tournament (Sunday, June 8th)
Available: 3
Logo on tournament banner
Logo displayed on all promotional material - printed & digital
Signage with logo & QR code displayed at registration & luncheon/awards ceremony
Signage with logo & QR code on course: 2 holes on each course
Logo in all golfers' carts
Logo on commemorative performance shirt provided to all golfers & volunteers
1 complimentary golf ball entry into Fairway Fortune: 50/50 Raffle for Tiny champions ($50/golf ball)
2 Foursomes (8 golfers)
8 tickets to Hearts for Hope: Family Happy Hour + Cornhole Tournament (Sunday, June 8th)
Available: Exclusive!
Logo on tournament banner
Logo displayed on all promotional material - printed & digital
Signage with logo & QR code on course: prominently displayed at all food stations
Logo on commemorative performance shirts provided to all golfers & volunteers
1 Foursome (4 golfers)
4 tickets to Hearts for Hope Happy Hour + Cornhole Tournament (Sunday, June 8th)
Available: Exclusive!
Logo on tournament banner
Logo displayed on all promotional material - printed & digital
Signage with logo & QR code on course: prominently displayed at all food stations
Logo on commemorative performance shirts provided to all golfers & volunteers
1 Foursome (4 golfers)
4 tickets to Hearts for Hope: Family Happy Hour + Cornhole Tournament (Sunday, June 8th)
Available: 5
Logo on tournament banner
Logo displayed on all promotional material - printed & digital
Signage displayed at registration & luncheon/awards ceremony
Signage with logo & QR code on course: 1 hole on each course
Logo on commemorative performance shirt provided to all golfers & volunteers
1 complimentary golf ball entry into Fairway Fortune: 50/50 Raffle for Tiny champions ($50/golf ball)
1 Foursome (4 golfers)
4 tickets to Hearts for Hope: Family Happy Hour + Cornhole Tournament (Sunday, June 8th)
Available: Exclusive!
Logo on tournament banner
Logo displayed on all promotional material - printed & digital
Logo on golf balls provided in golfer gift bags
Logo on commemorative performance shirt provided to all golfers & volunteers
1 Foursome (4 golfers)
2 tickets to Hearts for Hope: Family Happy Hour + Cornhole Tournament (Sunday, June 8th)
Available: 2
Name on tournament banner
Name listed on all promotional material - printed & digital
Logo & organization information provided with TaylorMade Driver prize to winner
Recognition during awards ceremony
Signage with logo & QR code on course: prominently displayed at contest on 1 course
Name on commemorative performance shirt provided to all golfers & volunteers
Available: 2
Name on tournament banner
Name listed on all promotional material - printed & digital
Logo & organization information provided with TaylorMade Driver prize to winner
Recognition during awards ceremony
Signage with logo & QR code on course: prominently displayed at contest on 1 course
Name on commemorative performance shirt provided to all golfers & volunteers
Available: Exclusive!
Name on tournament banner - not if purchased after 5/22
Name listed on all promotional material - printed & digital
Logo & organization information provided with TaylorMade Putter prize to winner
Recognition during awards ceremony
Signage with logo & QR code prominently displayed at contest
Name with link displayed in electronic program
Name on commemorative performance shirt provided to all golfers & volunteers - not if purchased after 5/22
Available: Exclusive!
Name on tournament banner
Name listed on all promotional material - printed & digital
Organization information provided with YETI Cooler prize to winner
Recognition during awards ceremony
Signage with logo & QR code prominently displayed at contest
Name on commemorative performance shirt provided to all golfers & volunteers
Available: 8
Name on tournament banner - not if purchased after 5/22
Name listed on all promotional material - printed & digital
Signage with logo & QR code on course: displayed on 1 beer cart
Name with link displayed in electronic program
Name on commemorative performance shirt provided to all golfers & volunteers
Availability: Unlimited
Name on tournament banner - not if purchased after 5/22
Signage with logo & QR code on course: 1 hole on 1 course
Name with link displayed in electronic program
Name listed on commemorative performance shirt provided to all golfers & volunteers - not if purchased after 5/22

Check out all the fun we have each year!